I dislike generations. So does Seth. But he makes a good point that right now we're living through something unprecedented, on multiple fronts. So don't think of Generation C as the people born within an arbitrary time period, but rather everyone that was alive before the outbreak that is still alive after the outbreak:
Generation C was inaugurated with the events created by Covid-19, and it is defined by a new form of connection.
Inaugurated is important. COVID-19 is the catalyst; in turn, that has fundamentally changed a lot about our society, from work to social structures. How much reverts in the future is unknowable. The way we connect with one another is morphing.
And if Covid-19 and Connection are the first two C’s, the third one is going to be Carbon.
Because that's what will come next. And we need to be considering that fact. But there is hope. There are signs we're beginning to think less about the next 24 hours and more about the next 24 years, as Seth puts it. We have a chance to dig our way out of the current mess without worsening the future one:
GenC may be too wise for that. And they may be connected enough to speak up and overrule the baby boomers.