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Life Between the Worlds [#37]

I have recently fallen back into an old habit: League of Legends. The eponymous MOBA remains immensely addictive, fun and interesting, but above all else my return (after over a year!) has […]

The Weight of Opportunity [#35]

I've started this article three times. The first time it was going to be about how my creativity in writing is declining in large part because my creativity in photography and videography is rising. […]

Where is Superwoman? [#33]

Khoi Vinh recently linked out to an article by Amanda Shendruk looking at the data behind female inclusion in comic books. As both Khoi and Amanda state, it should come as no surprise that the […]

That Anti-Diversity Googler & Self Introspection [#32]

Standard workday, standard work lunch catching up on RSS feeds. Of course, quite a few of them are discussing the leaked "Anti-Diversity" manifesto from the, now infamous, ex-Google employee (name […]

Untapped Market [#31]

I've recently been spending a lot of time researching, and ultimately buying, a new camera. From an outsider perspective it might seem a little odd, as I already have a very good DSLR that, whilst by […]

The Poetry of Spam [#30]

I get a fair amount of spam posted to theAdhocracy. For the most part, it's easy to spot and formulaic (though admittedly increasingly intelligent). Spam comments either thank me for helping solve a […]

Accio Deathly Hallows

10 years ago today the Harry Potter series came to a close. With the publishing of The Deathly Hallows a large part of my, and many others, childhood came to an end. I find it […]

Marrs Green [#29]

I love the idea of G.F. Smith's "World's Favourite Colour": ask people to submit examples of their favourite colour and then vote. The results are interesting for a variety of reasons, but for me the […]

Month in Media - June 2017 [#28]

Month in media is an archived project, now with a permanent home in the Reviews section. Films, TV shows, books, video games, and other media watched, read, or played in June 2017.

Security All The Way Down [#27]

Source, one of the many blogs I follow, has recently had a themed content week focusing on security. For their main readership this means security for the newsroom, security for the journalist, but […]

Peaks & Troughs [#26]

I believe that inspiration comes in waves. I've believed this for quite a while, largely because I'll have periods of time where I can draw really well, or feel like writing every day, or take a […]

A Gap in Time [#25]

My last post was on the 8th. Today is the 20th. Do you see a little problem there? In short: 12 days are longer than a week. Sad […]

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